How was play GTA San Andreas on the PS2?

Discussion in 'GTA San Andreas' started by Megat Sharul Naim, May 26, 2016.

  1. Itsame

    Itsame New Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    It did alright. The pressure sensitive buttons were revolutionary at the time and made driving feel very natural. Having the acceleration on a face button freed up the shoulder buttons for more complex actions that have been sorely lacking in more modern GTA games.

    The only real gripe I have is that the PlayStation 2 was notoriously slow at loading. You will routinely see different texture layers magically pop in as you approach objects in the game. I find this immersion breaking. It seemed to get worse the longer you played, which I suspect is due to a heating issue. GTA games are best enjoyed with maximum graphical fidelity.

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