The Crew No open beta, or any beta, for PC?

Discussion in 'The Crew 3' started by theGIJST, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. theGIJST

    theGIJST Member

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Why do we not get a beta? I just saw a news article saying that there will be (or there already is) an OPEN beta for Xbox One and PS4. I can't help but wonder, why don't we get a beta on the PC? I want to play the game before it comes out, to see if I can run it and to see if I even like the game. Why do we get left behind? And even if they do give us a beta, it will probably be some sort of an early access, available to you only if you pre-order the game, which again means I have to buy the game in order to try it. I don't want to pirate the game, but I want to try it before it comes out, which is why I want a beta.

    Your thoughts?
  2. tjmsrubegoldberg

    tjmsrubegoldberg New Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    PC had the first two closed betas before the console betas ever happened. Also, the latest closed console beta had guaranteed access for people that pre-ordered, but various giveaways and a sign up on the Ubisoft website allowed those who didn't preorder to get in as well. That being said, it is a bit odd that there is no PC open beta to correspond with the console open beta.

    This is a quote from Natchai, a Ubisoft official. It can be found here.
  3. theGIJST

    theGIJST Member

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Ah, well I understand that they want to test the servers, but still we could use an open beta down the line, as we near the release date. I didn't know about these closed betas for PC, but even if I did, I probably wouldn't get in any of them so, it doesn't matter. Well, the game releases in 14 days, correct? As far as I remember, December 2nd is the release date. Well, hopefully there will be SOME kind of a demo at least, just to try the game out. I want to see if I like the way the cars handle or not, since handling's kind of the point of a racing game. If it's not good, the game won't be so good for me.
  4. Sterling Walker

    Sterling Walker Member

    Oct 25, 2014
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    I wouldn't care that it is a console only beta. The game is so close to release that it really doesn't matter, its less than two weeks away. I guess it does matter for those who are impatient.
  5. tjmsrubegoldberg

    tjmsrubegoldberg New Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    I definitely understand the desire to test the car's handling, as that was my primary concern as well going into the game. Although it's obviously not a substitute for trying it out yourself, I can give my experiences with The Crew's handling based on the most recent console beta.

    Quite a few people complained about the handling in the beta, with good reason I'd have to say. Initially, the cars tend to slide around a lot, like driving on ice. Spinning out is very easy, especially if another car hits you in the right place. Drifting is fairly difficult without slowing down or spinning out entirely. I had to restart quite a few missions due to failing to make a turn and not being able to recover from it.

    The good thing about the handling is that it is very configurable, as seen here. I didn't really play around with the configuration all that much, so it is entirely possible that some or all of these problems could be alleviated by a proper configuration. Another important detail is that the cars available in the beta are all entry-level cars with no upgrades to start off with. I did notice that as I leveled up the car, the handling improved greatly, and it became much more controllable. The dirt spec also seemed to handle better than the street spec, so I imagine that the different specs for each car might also affect it.

    Overall, I wouldn't judge the game too much on its handling, especially the handling of the early cars. The very limited parts that I played were well worth the initial struggle for control. The map is just as amazing as it's hyped up to be, and I'm definitely looking forward to playing the cooperative multiplayer with my friends. Nothing in the beta really discouraged me from buying the game. If anything, I'm even more eager for the upcoming launch.
  6. theGIJST

    theGIJST Member

    Nov 12, 2014
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    @Sterling Walker I want a beta so I can see how the car handles, not to play it early. I don't want to buy a racing game with horrible handling, and it looks quite bad in videos.

    @tjmsrubegoldberg Well, thank you for that small review. The good thing is that cars get better after some upgrades, so I guess, the more we play the better they will handle. The Crew has an amazing idea and I loved the idea of it ever since it was presented to us, but then I saw that the game-play and the execution of the game isn't all that great. Still, I am hoping it's going to be a good game. Well, who knows, maybe I end up getting it, as well. Maybe we see each other on the street.
    tjmsrubegoldberg likes this.
  7. troutski

    troutski Active Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Well, you missed out on the PC's closed betas, so your only option is to test out the open beta on consoles if you own one or through a friend. Otherwise, you're going to have to lay down the money or play it somewhere else when it comes out. It's not that hard.
  8. theGIJST

    theGIJST Member

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Well, that's probably what I'm going to do. Or, I can just watch some videos on Youtube for free. I don't want to pay a full price for something that I won't necessarily like. I'll wait for the game to come out, and watch a few videos, and then decide. Even if I would have applied for the closed betas, I probably wouldn't even get in them.
  9. wowtgp

    wowtgp Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    I think you missed the last 2 beta tastes that were on PC. I for one had a lot of fun with it. Let these console owners have some fun too. It's coming to all the platforms only after a couple of days of open beta. Just be patient with it.
  10. Squigly

    Squigly Active Member

    Oct 12, 2014
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    The last beta was for Nvidia card owners, it's already ended. To be honest any beta now is really just publicising the game rather than bug-fixing. With the release date so imminent you could just buy the game, or wait for a working demo.
  11. Wubwub

    Wubwub Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2013
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    Yeah you can just wait on the demos instead. I've never played beta versions before though so I don't know if there's anything particular in those that are better than demo versions.
  12. niiro17

    niiro17 Member

    Aug 19, 2014
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    I actually got the beta code for PC, the first and the second beta phase. It's actually fun. The only thing I did was travel around the place I've never been. It's enjoyable.

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