Forza Motorsport 5 Microsoft unveils "Forza Rewards", get moar cars and stuff.

Discussion in 'Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon' started by johnsmith1212, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. johnsmith1212

    johnsmith1212 New Member

    Oct 21, 2016
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    Just as achievements have revolutionized Xbox gameplay, Microsoft hopes with the new rewards system for Forza to improve the community and bring it closer together.

    This system works very basically. To earn points in Forza Rewards, simply play any Forza Motorsport game. The accumulated points will tally up into a tier system, where at the end of each month the rewards for the points built up are able to purchase, "including cars, in-game credits, tokens, and more."

    In addition, one can check where they stack up against others on the Forza Rewards Website. One can also check their current points and see which tier they are currently in, and how many points it is to rank up to the next tier.

    A really cool feature in my opinion. I can see how this would let players really delve deep into the game, too. Any other thoughts on this newly released feature? Perhaops speculation on some of the car accessories (spoilers, designs, etc.)?

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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016

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